About us


At the heart of the company is the quality of human resources, with regard to professional training and also to a "humanistic mission" that makes use of solid and updated technical-scientific knowledge and new computer and multimedia techniques.

Telos Srl follows in the footsteps of its founding members, embodying a tradition that is the expression of an open and reformist culture, with a particular focus on sustainable innovations, respect for the institutions and the human and local dimension of local realities and identities, while being constantly mindful of the indissoluble local-global relationship in environmental issues.

Our team of professionals and researchers united to meet the social and institutional need for up-to-date and responsible experts, taking into account the institutional and community-based dimension of each public project and program, of a territorial, cultural, socio-economic or institutional kind.

Telos Srl addresses the increasing need for territorial and social entities of having access to multidisciplinary, high-value specialized studies, programs, plans and project. These are held together by a sound overall view of society and of development seen as a dynamic integration of economy, environment, territory, institutions and communities.

Telos Srl   promotes sustainable innovation in all its activities, with a particular regard to environmental and territorial analysis, assessment, planning and design, using the latest scientific-technical knowledge and new IT and multimedia technologies.

Our activity also involves opportunities to reflect upon theories and verify applied research in order to share experiences and ideas at national and international level, by introducing training courses and disseminating scientific and cultural knowledge.


Giovanni Cafiero

He is a founding member of Telos, he has been Telos srl President and Managing Director since the very beginning, 29th March 2010. He is a member of the Technical Director team.

Giovanni Cafiero, architect, has a multidisciplinary experience that combines a high level of professional skill in the field of territorial and environmental planning and a wide range of studies and research in the area of territorial and development economy. He has completed a number of territorial plans and studies in various regions of Italy and countries of the Mediterranean area. A strong believer in the concept of towns and municipalities as the focus of a nation’s economic and civil development, he focuses on research and projects related to urban development. As an expert, he advocates new environmental paradigms for development. He has coordinated several territorial and development plans for protected areas and National Parks, studies and research on developing the green economy and the redevelopment of energy in urban settlements. In 2015 he published his volume Per un’urbanistica non dissipativa (For a not Dissipative Urbanism) for Piemonte Region as part of the urban research activities of the European Project RURBANCE

Alessandro Bianchi

He has been one of the members since 2011

Graduated in Civil Engineering at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome, he has spent his university career at the University of Reggio Calabria - then called "Mediterranea" on his proposal - as an associate and then full professor of Urbanism (1996-2015). He was Director of the Department of "Architecture and Analysis of the Mediterranean City" (1995-1999), Coordinator of the "PhD in Planning and Design of the Mediterranean City" (1997-2006), Rector of the Mediterranean University (1999-2006) and Secretary General of CRUI-Conference of Rectors (2003-2006). From 2006 to 2008, he was Minister of Transport during the Prodi Government 2. Afterward he was President of the Culture & Innovation Consortium (2008-2014), Coordinator of the European Erasmus Mundus Master Course "City Regeneration" (2010-2014) and Rector of Pegaso University (2015-2019). He is a member of the Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences of Spain (since 2007), Honorary Member of the Società Geografica Italiana (since 2010), Member of the Board of Directors of SVIMEZ (since 2013), Member of the Scientific Committee of the Central State Archives (since 2015)

Marta Battaglia

She has been one of the members since 2016

Marta Battaglia, graduated in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Florence, she obtained a Master in Evaluation for the Territory of the University Institute of Architecture of Venice. She has a consolidated experience in Strategic Environmental Assessment of plans and programs, having taken part in the first Italian experiences of application of the European Directive 2001/42/EC. To support the tools for the government of the territory, she plans and facilitates participatory paths, manages the collection and processing of data aimed at environmental reporting, and she takes care of the coordinated image and external communication. Furthermore, she has specific competences in the management of the improving processes of the environmental performances started by the territorial public agencies and private subjects with the adoption of voluntary instruments (EMAS, Sustainable Energy Action Plans, Cutting Papers, educational pathways and structured initiatives aimed to involve and raise awareness of local communities within the inFea programme, etc.).

Leone Francesco Tocchi

He has been one of the members since 2021

Leone Francesco Tocchi, architect with a Master in Building Information Modeling (B.I.M.), has always been a planner and a site manager both in the field of new buildings and in that of restoration and conservation of cultural heritage. Recently, he has been involved in the management and coordination of the building and restoration processes with the B.I.M and H.B.I.M. (Heritage Building Information Modeling) methodology. Currently, he has dedicated his career to projects, public and private ones, both international (TEVA-Biontech Laboratories in Ulm, Doha Commercial Port, Buildings in Kabul) and national (Istituto Sacro Cuore-Villa Lante in Rome, Centro Direzionale della Circumvesuviana in Naples, Residential Centre "Neu-Bau" of the Pontifical Germanic Hungarian College in Gallicano).

Emmanuela Caserta

She has been one of the members since 2021

Emmanuela Caserta, archaeologist, graduated in Literature at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", with the Chair of Archaeology and Medieval Topography, she then followed the course of specialization in General Education and Museums at the Department of Education Sciences of the same University. Since 1987 she has collaborated with the State Archaeological Superintendence, in the Lazio Region, in the study of the territory and in the direction of archaeological excavation campaigns and preventive surveys promoted by the administration, for both public and private bodies. Between 1987 and 2019 she followed archaeological excavation sites with the current SSABAP (Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio) of Rome in the different municipalities - in particular in the territory between the streets Cassia and Flaminia. From 2005 to 2009 she conducted, in Via Cassia, excavations at the site of the modern Villa Manzoni where the remarkable structures pertinent to the villa of Emperor Lucio Vero were brought to light. In the period between 2008 and 2021 she carried out collaborative activities at the current SABAP Area Met RM and RI in the municipalities of Albano, Ciampino, Colleferro, Pratica di Mare in the archaeological site of Lavinium, and in particular in Palestrina. Here she also dealt with the cataloguing of materials from archaeological investigations carried out in the territory.

Raffaele Colaizzo

He has been one of the members since 2021

He graduated in Economics and Commerce - Faculty of Economics and Commerce of the University of Naples - he deals with: Economy of the Development, Regional and Territorial Economy, Economic Models. He has been appointed by the Apulia Region and MIBACT to assist the Directorate "Area Politiche per la promozione del territorio, dei saperi e dei talenti" for the definition, programming and implementation of Environmental and Cultural Systems in Puglia. He has been assigned by Formez to define and accompany integrated projects for territorial and urban development in the regions of the Mezzogiorno. in 1999 the above mentioned activity of strategic definition and accompaniment of the Regions and local partnerships was launched with the work on Integrated Territorial Projects (CSF 2000-2006), and then it was extended over a long period, concerning the various forms of integrated design implemented in the Mezzogiorno. The integrated projects concerned both cities and widespread territories, addressing issues related to local development, quality and enhancement of the territory, urban regeneration. A relevant publication on these issues is "PIT Experience. Case Studies. FORMEZ Series "System Actions for Public Administration", Rome. This thematic area also includes technical assistance for the evaluation and selection of Integrated Projects for Sustainable Urban Development (PIUSS), under the POR CREO FESR 2007-2013 of the Tuscany Region.

Giuseppe Dodaro

He has been one of the members since 2021

Giuseppe Dodaro graduated in 1996 in Natural Sciences at the University of Naples Federico II, where he worked at the Department of Plant Biology, collaborating in teaching and carrying out research in ecology and phytosociology. From 2000 to 2013 he collaborated with Ambiente Italia s.r.l. He was a member of the Technical Department, coordinator of the office in Rome and of the "Analysis and Planning of Natural Resources" activity area. He has mainly dealt with projects aimed at the analysis and management of ecosystems, the identification of Ecological Networks and the implementation of interventions to improve natural areas. In the same period he collaborated with several Organizations managing protected areas (National Parks, Regional Reserves, Marine Protected Areas) coordinating a research related to the analysis and management of ecosystems as well as projects for local development and enhancement of sustainable tourism. He is one of the experts of Federparchi for the application of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas and has coordinated the path of joining the CETS of more than 20 national and regional protected areas. From 2013 to 2014 he was Councilor of the Minister of the Environment Andrea Orlando, acting as a coordinator of the Minister’s Technical Secretariat. He currently collaborates mainly with the Foundation for Sustainable Development, as head of Natural Capital, Green Infrastructure, Agriculture. He coordinates research projects and technical activities aimed at evaluating Ecosystem Services and launching innovative green economy experiences within Protected Areas. He also works as a freelancer. He mainly deals with applied ecology in support of territorial planning processes, carrying out wildlife monitoring, and studies related to the state of conservation of natural systems, design of ecological networks and environmental requalification interventions.

Lucia Pira

She has been one of the members since 2021 and one of the employees since 2015

She graduated in Architecture and now she has over ten years of experience in the field of Territorial Information Systems applied to territorial and urban planning. She deals with territorial analysis, surveys and graphic representations assisted by the help of specific software. Since 2015, as an employee of Telos srl, she has been dealing with databases and territorial information systems, the drafting of thematic maps and data analysis such as the (Plan of the Regional Park of the Ofanto River, the PPCS of Cuglieri, the DPI to the PUCG of Pomezia, the Plan of the Park of Monte Arci, the PUG of Bari, the Plan of Valorization of the land reclamation areas in Pula, the Plan of communication and promotion of the Ciclovia del Sole, the Reconstruction plan of the hamlet of Campi Alto - Norcia (PG), etc.). She has carried out activities of specialized technical support GIS for the Technical Direction Urban Planning and SIT and for the preparation of the Territorial Information System, the infrastructure Territorial Data, and the Accounting Information System of the Municipality of Rome; she worked as a GIS consultant in the preparation of the preliminary phase of the observations submitted to the Regional Landscape Territorial Plan (PTPR) of the Lazio Region and the realization of the Cartographic System of the State Property Agency within the Mapping Project.

Alessio Marras

He has been one of the members since 2021

Alessio Marras, agronomist, has developed during his training and his work activity a multi-disciplinary profile, combining high professionalism in the field of private construction, agricultural, territorial and environmental planning, a wide range of studies and research in the field of autochthonous arboriculture and agricultural valuation. He cooperates as a trainer for various training companies in the agricultural field and has collaborated with several companies and public bodies as an expert in technical and administrative training, both as an expert of populating for georeferencing urban database.

Elisabetta Vacca

She has worked with us since 2017 and she has been one of the employees since 2023

Graduated in Architecture, specializing in urban design, she obtained in 2017 the Degree of Master at the University of Rome in "Digital earth and smart governance: strategies and GIS tools for the management of territorial and cultural heritage". She has acquired skills related to the main techniques of implementation of GIS functions, integrating them to geo-historical research and the study of geo-historical-cartographic sources for territorial and landscape planning. Since 2017 she has collaborated with Telos in the drafting of plans and programs, in cartographic and graphic processing and in the creation and management of databases and Territorial Information Systems (such as the Variant to the PTCP of the Province of Como, the PUG of Bari, the Valorization Plan of the land reclamation areas in Pula, the Communication Plan and promotion of the Ciclovia del Sole, the Integrated Strategic Plan of the Area called "Cultural Park of Sibaritide"). In Telos she provided also graphic support in the context of the candidacy of Aeneas Route Association as Cultural and Tourist Itinerary of the Council of Europe in the definition of the logo and the coordinated image. Currently PhD at the Department of Architecture of the University of Roma3 in the PhD course "Landscapes of the contemporary city. Politics, techniques and visual studies", she has focused her research work on landscape planning and participation.

Sandra Ottaviani

She has worked with Telos srl since 2010

In 1987 she obtained a degree in Foreign Languages and Literature (main language English) and a second degree in Linguistic, Literary and Translation Sciences in 2018. In 2010, she began to work with Telos as an administrative referent. She has a solid experience in the managing control of the engineering company. During the years, she specialized in the management of calls for tender, for which she takes care of the submission of tenders, ensuring compliance with current regulations. She has excellent organizational skills, combined with a strong attention to detail and a result-oriented approach.

They collaborate with us

  • Francesco Abbamonte - Urban and territorial planner
  • Maria Rosaria Bardaro - Naturalist
  • Pietro Bertelli - Planner
  • Enrico Calvario - Doctor of Biological Sciences
  • Andrea Capuano - Naturalist
  • Loreto Colombo - Urban planning Professor Architect
  • Antonio Conte - Naturalist
  • Giulio Conte - Biologist
  • Riccardo Copiz - Naturalist
  • Marianna De Nigris - Cultural Heritage expert
  • Davide De Vivo - Lawyer
  • Francesco Di Pietro - Naturalist
  • Stefano Erbaggio - Naturalist
  • Marta Graziano - Naturalist
  • Antonio Leone - Prof. Hydraulic engineer
  • Micaela Locci - Forestry expert
  • Luigi Maccioni - Geologist
  • Giulia Dalia Mallus - Archaeologist
  • Giovanna Mathis - Architect - Graphics -Illustrator
  • Francesco Domenico Moccia - Professor Architect
  • Roberto Musumeci - Urban and territorial planning expert
  • Massimo Paolanti - Agronomist - expert data base management
  • Stefania Pisanu - Naturalist
  • Federico Riva - Agronomist
  • Valentino Romano - Archaelogist
  • Roberto Rovelli - Agronomist
  • Paolo Sarandrea - Geologist
  • Stefano Sarrocco - Naturalist
  • Luca Sbrilli - Geologist
  • Valerio Scutaro - Architect
  • Giulio Senes - Prof. Agronomist
  • Vania Statzu - Environmental Economist
  • Carlo Zucca - Naturalista - GIS and webGIS expert

They are some of our Partners

  • Agrifolia associated firm
  • Ambiente Italia srl
  • Pietro Bertelli - Planner
  • Bios-IS srl
  • Fare Digital Media srls
  • Geores associated firm
  • Green Consulting srl
  • NEMO srl
  • Polinomia srl
  • R.D.M. progetti srl
  • Sociolab Società Cooperativa – Social Enterprise
  • Tecnostudi Ambiente srl
  • TRT Ingegneria srl
  • U-Space srl