Energy transition
24 May 2024
Ecosystem Services: Landscape and Cultural Services
3 June 2024Crowd-mapping and Cultural Heritage
September 2023
Telos aims to promote responsible innovation in the disciplines of analysis, evaluation, planning and design of the environment and the territory, using solid and up-to-date technical-scientific knowledge and new information and multimedia technologies.
The group has established itself nationally as a company with high cultural and technical-scientific qualifications with important orders in the field of the enhancement of cultural heritage, landscape, territorial planning and sustainable local development.
The vast experience in the field of analysis, planning and marketing of the territory and tourism have allowed to identify in crowdmapping one of the most interesting prospects in the field of services for the territory.
This Crowdmapping is based on the integration between geographic information systems and the use of internet and social media to build digital maps with a degree of updating and detail much greater than what could be achieved with only the contribution of experts. The principle applied is that of the smart community, the creation of a community that collaborates for a shared purpose.
Telos is committed to the development of an innovative process linked to an online platform to map - in an interactive and collaborative way - the tangible and intangible cultural heritage present on the territory and relatable to the new Cultural Route certified by the Council of Europe: The Route of Aeneas.
The mapping concerns archaeological, monumental, artistic, environmental assets connected with the cultural route of the Council of Europe, but also intangible assets, such as the connection of some places with myths and literature related to the landing of Aeneas in the Region of Lazio. A dedicated software allows you to build customized maps according to the selected search criteria. A system of access to the platform (QR-Code, Beacon) makes the system accessible and it enhances some of the visits to monuments, museums, parks and archaeological areas and also the participation in events, with educational content and virtual tours.
The application has a high level of replicability and prospects for expansion of a demand in parallel with the spread of awareness of the potentiality of crowdmapping. Public institutions and national boards, but also large companies with a focus on a territorial dimension, constitute a very large potential market.
The process can be used:
- in the management of cultural heritage;
- in the field of urban and landscape planning, to detect sets of cultural heritage to be protected or exploited for the development of landscape plans, feasibility studies;
- in the field of tourism, to study thematic tourist itineraries in a given territory;
- in the field of fruition of museums and archaeological sites;
- to support the organization of territorial services linked to cultural enhancement sites;
- for the development of institutional capacity in the care of assets;
- for planning cultural events;
- etc.;