Cycling tourism and territorial project
10 June 2018
Crowd-mapping and Cultural Heritage
3 June 2024Energy transition
September 2023
Telos is an innovative engineering company and its peculiar mission involves the interdisciplinary integration between technical and humanistic components of the territorial sciences, by promoting responsible innovation in urban regeneration. As for the urban regeneration, the Company has carried out research and planning activities in various Italian regions.
Over time, as for the ecological and energy transition, numerous projects and research activities have been developed at a national and European level.
Of particular note is the European project "Renovenergie: energy redevelopment in private buildings. Analysis of the factors contributing to the success of energy redevelopment through the observation of the operations implemented in France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy and Spain" with the French company Alphéeis, with the French electricity manager EDF, and with funds from the Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) – France.
Giovanni Cafiero, architect (Sapienza University, Rome) with a master’s degree in Environmental Economics (University of Siena) boasts over twenty years of commitment to sustainable development (G.Cafiero and G.Conte, Roma Città Sostenibile, Palombi Editore 1995). He was a member of the Advisory Commission on Construction of the Municipality of Rome, set up in 1995 to ensure the urban and environmental integration of projects. He carries out spatial planning and marketing activities for public and private clients. He has extensive experience in the field of territorial and urban planning of large urban areas (Rome, Bologna, Bari, L'Aquila, Avellino), planning for small municipalities and communities (Cuglieri, Santa Margherita di Pula, Campi Alto di Norcia), metropolitan parks (ANP di RomaNatura) of national parks (Alta Murgia, Stelvio, Arcipelago di La Maddalena). He has carried out planning and research activities for the development of metropolitan areas (Rome, Naples, Bari, Bologna, Turin). Member of the Scientific Committee of the Sustainable Development Foundation (SUSDEF), and he is among the authors of the Manifesto for the Green Economy in architecture and urbanism published in Architecture, City and Territory towards the Green Economy, Environmental Edition, March 2017.
Telos activities are part of the innovations introduced by the European Green Deal - through which it has recognized the figure of the energy consumer producer, opening up the creation of energy communities and finalising them to the 2030 and 2050 climate goals - and the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Company is committed to: supporting the creation of energy communities through technical and legal consultancy services; creating models for the quantification and measurement of environmental, economic and social impacts of products and processes; planning recovery, re-functionalization and enhancement of abandoned urban areas; developing local micro-grids through innovative project solutions, also in support of the formation of nuclei of «smart community activators» and the functioning of energy communities.