Our Services and activities (what we do)

The services offered by Telos, consistent with the social mission and according to the specific objectives pursued from time to time, require the presence and work of experts of various disciplines: such as social and economic sciences, environment and territory, historical, anthropological and archaeological disciplines, disciplines aimed at the study and planning for the enhancement and management of cultural heritage and landscape, legal sciences, communication sciences.

The operational life of the Company is based on forms of coordination and integration, in a non-hierarchical manner, aimed at ensuring capacity for innovation and interdisciplinary enrichment.

Urban, territorial and landscape planning
Parks and archaeological areas
  • Urban and regional Policies
  • Strategic Planning
  • Urban Design
  • Territorial and tourism development
  • Urban Planning and Urban regeneration
  • Large area Planning
  • Planning protected areas and Landscape
  • Enhancement of cultural and environmental heritage 
Communication and graphics for the environment and the territory
Participatory processes and VAS (strategic environmental assessment)
  • Territorial and tourism development 
  • Participatory impact pathways and communication 
  • Strategic environmental assessment
  • Environmental education
Higher education and public policies for the territory and infrastructure
  • Urban Regeneration
  • Infrastructure and logistics
  • Mediterranean city Urban Planning
  • Euro-Mediterranean Policies
Architecture, Cultural Heritage and Archaeology
  • Architectural design
  • Building Information Modeling (Building Information Modeling)
  • Evaluation and listing of archaeological heritage sitesi
  • Scientific advice for excavations and archaeological sites
  • Preventive archaeology for plans and projects
  • Training and education in archaeology
  • Museum teaching
Development Policies - Economics of Tourism and Cultural Heritage
  • Territorial development programmes and projects
  • Cultural and tourist development policies
  • Programming and evaluation of cohesion policies and institutional and administrative capacities
  • Economic and financial analysis and evaluation
  • Assistance and training for the PA (Public Administration)

Natural resource planning and management

Agriculture and regional planning
  • Environmental assessments
  • Analysis and management of ecosystems
  • Analysis and design of Ecological Networks
  • Sustainable Tourism Development and Parks
  • River contracts, local development and sustainable water management
  • Natural capital, green infrastructure and agriculture 
  • Rural technologies, valuation and agricultural economics
  • Release and managing of the database of territorial entities
  • Urban planning and building regulations for agricultural areas
  • Assistenza e formazione per la PA

Cartographic and graphic elaborations

Territorial Information Systems
  • Urban and territorial analysis and planning
  • Cultural heritage and landscape
  • Territorial Information Systems
  • Cartography and graphic communication for the territory